We are so grateful to all authors who submit their book for a TAZ Award. It takes dedication to craft a compelling story, and we commend you for your commitment to excellence. Each submission adds depth and diversity to our awards program, showcasing the breadth of talent within the literary community.

Benefits for winning a TAZ Book Award includes:

  • Custom TAZ Award seals to use on award-winning books
  • Digital image of TAZ Award seal for author or publisher to use on their website/marketing materials/reprints of the book
  • Complimentary access to the TAZ “Celebrate and Learn” Awards Ceremony
  • Professional review (with permission to use)
  • Various promotional and marketing opportunities throughout the year
  • Book covers of all award-winning titles are hosted on the TAZ website (See Past Winners tab)

Additional benefits of winning a book award include:

  • Recognition and credibility within the literary community and beyond
  • Increased visibility and exposure
  • A wider reach and bigger audience
  • Possible boost in sales
  • Networking opportunities with other writers, publishers, and professionals in the community
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